

We have lots of displays in the media center centering around the following people. Want to learn more about them or their books? Visit the library and check them out.

3 - Aliki
4 - Syd Hoff
5 - Paul Fleischman
8 - Jon Scieszka
9 - Jack Prelutsky - our nation's first Children's Poet Laurate
13 - Roald Dahl - make everyday in September a Roald Dahl Day! See our calendar.
15 - Tomie dePaola
26 - Johnny Appleseed - (John Chapman)
27 - Paul Goble

Students in the K classes had quite an adventure searching for their missing Curious George. They found his books, a banana peel, and a clue from him in the media center. Then they were off on a quest to locate him. There are lots of books about his other adventures here in the library. Why not check one out?

Students in K-3 are helping us check out their books by putting the pink due date in the book's pocket themselves. Hopefully this hands on experience will help them remember when their books are due and also help them understand their responsibility when borrowing materials.
Students in grade 4 are checking out their own library books this year. They all seemed very excited to use the bar code reader and scan their names and their books.

A big thank you goes out to Sydney Legakis for chairing the library volunteers this year. Her hard work and precious time has paid off for all of us. We have many parents who are helping us in the media center this month and they are all so appreciated. They are checking out books, helping students find books and exploring the many treasures found in our library. Thank you so much to all of our wonderful parent volunteers. We love you!!!!


We are so excited to see all the new books on display in the media center...the new Sunshine State books will be discussed in the coming weeks for grades 3-6. Authors celebrating birthdays this month are:

Matt Christopher August 16 Kevin Hawkes August 28
Will Hobbs August 22 Karen Hesse August 29
Patricia Beatty August 26 Donald Crews August 30

Students lessons in the month of August will be an orientation to the media center and they will get reacquainted with Mr. Dirty Hand and Mr. Clean Hand who have gone digital...and will be shown in iMovie form. Our theme for the year is "Explore New Worlds...Read". See you soon!

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