

"One kind word can warm three winter months."
-Japanese proverb

Second grade students
worked with their partner to explain all the parts of the books. Each team had to show using technology (Elmo Projector) and explain the different " parts of their books" including author, title, copyright date, table of contents, glossary, index, internet sites, useful addresses, bibliography, vocabulary words, boldface type, pictures, maps, charts, graphs, time lines, fun facts, recipes, games, and author information. I was so proud of how each team became the teachers themselves for their project. GOOD JOB 2nd grade!

In First Grade the students were actors and actresses as they did a Reader's Theater performance on Bat's Big Game by Margaret Read MacDonald. The children took on the roles of a bear, deer, kangaroo, ostrich, sparrow, wren, robin, eagle, bat, raccoon and narrator as they performed. There are definitely some future Broadway stars in this grade!

Students in Jr. K discussed fiction and non-fiction books about lions after listening to the Library Lion by Michelle Knudsen. In this story, Miss Merriweather, the head librarian, is very particular about rules in the library. No running allowed and you must be quiet. But when a lion comes to the library one day, no one is sure what to do. There aren't any rules about lions in the library. Students enjoyed this affectionate ode not just to rules and when to follow them, but also to that wonderful place-the library!

In 3rd grade, students saw a few more book trailers for the Sunshine State books they are reading and quite a few of them have already read 3 books, which means they can vote in April when the contest takes place. They also saw videos on the series of books written by Henry Winkler about Hank Zipzer, the world's greatest underachiever. Henry Winkler is an actor, producer, and director, and he speaks publicly all over the world. In addition, he has a star on Hollywood Boulevard, was knighted by the government of France, and the jacket he wore as the Fonz hangs in the Smithsonian Museum in Washington, D.C. But if you ask him what he is proudest of, he would say, "Writing the Hank Zipzer books with my partner, Lin Oliver."

Alpha students celebrated Jan Brett's December birthday by listening to the Gingerbread Baby. Jan Brett's lively and beautifully detailed paintings catch the spirit of a favorite old tale through her cheeky little Gingerbread Baby and the colorful cast of characters who pursue him through a tiny Swiss village surrounded by forest and mountain. To see Jan Brett click on the following link:

Did you ever eat a dog biscuit? K students know what happens when you do after listening to Helen Cooper's book entitled Dog Biscuit. She is the author of Pumpkin Soup, a winner of the Kate Greenaway Medal, too. A fun feature about both of these books is she includes a recipe at the end of each one. Other books she has written include Tatty Ratty, A Pipkin of Pepper, and Delicious!

A big thank you goes out to Andi Mullins for chairing the library volunteers this year. Her hard work and precious time has paid off for all of us. She has been giving hands on training sessions since school started. We have many parents who are helping us in the media center this month and they are so appreciated. They are checking out books, helping students locate books and explore the many treasures found in our beautiful media center. Some are also helping with the book displays and decorations. Thank you so much to all of our wonderful parent volunteers who are helping the students "Go Wild for Books" this year.


"But see, in our open clearings, how golden the melons lie, Enrich them with sweets and spices, and give us the pumpkin-pie!"
-Margaret Junkin Preston

Students in grade 2 worked with partners in the library and by
using books about South America they did their research skills. Each team had to find the different parts of their books including author, title, and copyright date. Then they used a checklist to determine if their book had a table of contents, glossary, index, internet sites, useful addresses, bibliography, vocabulary words, boldface type, pictures, maps, charts, graphs, time lines, fun facts, recipes, games, and author information. Each team member wrote a fact that they learned and these were shared by the entire class. I was so proud of how each team stayed on task and finished their project. GOOD JOB 2nd grade!
For their next lesson, students will be required to explain these "parts of books" to their classmates and by using technology (Elmo projector) show an example to their classmates.

Things got batty with first graders as they discussed facts about books, saw some non-fiction books about bats and then heard a story with a bat as the main character. The earliest versions of this tale seem to be from Aesop. It is a simplified retelling of the classic Aesop's fable about a ball game between the birds and the animals, and Bat, who wants to play on the winning team. After discussing the lesson learned from the story, students took part in a reader's theater of the book.

Third graders had fun being "book detectives" as they tried to solve the riddles from Spot the Plot by J. Patrick Lewis. In this book of book riddles clues are given to identify 13 famous children's books. Most of the students knew all the answers, too. They also answered a quiz on library analogies. Great work third grade!

Jr. K students saw a display of Laura Numeroff's books which includes If You Give...series and they listened to her latest book entitled If You Give a Dog a Donut. This is another home run from the beloved team of Laura Numeroff and Felicia Bond the illustrator. In this book, the exuberant dog who first appeared in If You Give A Pig A Party is now the star of his very own book.

K students enjoyed listening to The Perfect Thanksgiving by Eileen Spinelli, which is full of whimsy and spirit. In this funny picture book there are two families who couldn't be any more opposite! Family one seems just PERFECT while family two seems FAR FROM IT! What could these two very different families possible have in common?
Students also had fun finding the hidden books in Where Else In the Wild? (more camouflaged creatures concealed ...and revealed) by David M. Schwartz and Yael Schy who take readers on another remarkable tour through the fascinating world of animal camouflage.

Alpha students heard all about the upcoming holiday in What is Thanksgiving? by Elaine Landau. They learned that it is turkey, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie as well as parades with giant balloons. It is a holiday for remembering Pilgrims and the Indians they met. Most of all, it is a time to share with family and friends, and a time to give thanks for many blessings.

A big thank you goes out to Andi Mullins for chairing the library volunteers this year. Her hard work and precious time has paid off for all of us. She has been giving hands on training sessions since school started. We have many parents who are helping us in the media center this month and they are so appreciated. They are checking out books, helping students locate books and explore the many treasures found in our beautiful media center. Some are also helping with the book displays and decorations. Thank you so much to all of our wonderful parent volunteers who are helping the students "Go Wild for Books" this year.

Erin Ross, Dionne Fajardo, and Anne Dowling also worked hard to make our annual book fair a success. Remember all the funds from this event go directly to the library budget. A BIG Thank you to both of you as well as to all the valuable volunteers who helped this year.
Want to see what took place at this book fair....just click the video below....Enjoy!

Shorecrest Book Fair 2011 version 2 from Dottie Smay on Vimeo.