


Students in grade 1 used the i-Pad in their lesson from Brain Pop Jr. on the solar system. They listened to the lesson and worked with partners to answer questions from the lesson. They worked cooperatively and collaborated before writing their answers on their whiteboards.
After the winter break, they read Man On The Moon by Anastasia Suen describing in illustrations and simple text the Apollo 11 mission to the moon, culminating in man's first lunar landing. Actual footage of this event was also seen by the students in the media center. For the next class lesson, students will do a reader's theater presentation.

In grade 2 students worked on their passports to earn their stickers. They are finding facts from all the continents and by the end of the school year, their passports will be filled with 7 stickers.
They also used the i-Pad in their lesson from Brain Pop Jr. on holidays around the world. They listened to the lesson on Christmas, Chanukah, and Kwanzaa. They worked cooperatively and collaborated with partners before writing their answers on their whiteboards.
After the winter break, they worked with a partner to answer questions about Europe on the computer using the World resource. This was a collaborative as well as cooperative lesson. They will continue to earn stamps on their passports as they travel to the different continents.

JR. K students enjoyed holding on to their hats as they read two books by Jon Klassen. I Want My Hat Back is about a bear who almost gives up  his search for his missing hat until he remembers something important. This was a #1 New York Times Bestseller. Another masterpiece he wrote as an  encore is This Is Not My Hat, from the perspective of the hat stealer. The results are just as suspenseul, adorable, and laugh-inducing for kids and adults alike. Even though we have to be creative to explain the darkly hilarious ending to little ones, this is a book that everyone is going to want to read over and over again.

Alpha students learned all about manners while listening to Piggy Monday by Suzanne Bloom. In this story the children in Mrs. Hubbub's class are so rude and thoughtless one day that they turn into pigs and need the help of the Pig Lady to help them remember their manners.

K students used their imaginations and creativity after hearing the story Not a Box by Antoinette Portis. Working in partners they had a box and 10 minutes to create their own item. Using the I-pad to take their pictures and using the app Doodle Friend they drew what they imagined on the screen for all the students to see. Before revealing their answers, they had a guessing game with clues for their classmates to participate. Amazingly every group was different. Great job K !!!

Students in grade 3 are discussing biographies. They read the collective biography entitled My Brothers' Flying Machine-Wilbur, Orville, and Me by Jane Yolen. This books provides a look at the lives of Orville and Wilbur Wright, as seen through the eyes of their younger sister, Katharine, who provided support and encouragement while they worked on their many inventions.

Volunteers, volunteers, volunteers.....we have seen so many wonderful volunteers since school started in the new year. Thanks to the hard work and very flexible schedule of  Andi Mullins. I am very thankful for the new "January look" in the library thanks to all the wonderful other volunteers who decorated and pulled the new author books. You are all so appreciated and loved by the children and especially by the librarians.