


James Cook - October 27 - explorer of South Pacific
Pablo Picasso - October 25 - influential Spainish painter and sculptor
John Lennon - October 9 - Musician, member of the popular and influential Spainish singing group The Beatles
Eleanor Roosevelt - October 11 - The wife of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, she set many precedents as a First Lady. She fought for the rights of the underprivileged and racial minorities.
Robert H. Goddard - October 5 - Called "The Father of Modern Rocketry" - He launched the first liquid fueled rocket in Auburn, Maine in 1926.
Mahatma Gandhi - Oct. 2 - Political and spiritual leader of India, known for his advocacy of nonviolent resistance.
Mickey Mantle - Oct. 20 - Baseball Hall of Famer
Dwight D. Eisenhower - Oct. 14 - 34th U.S. President, Supreme Allied Commander for the invasion of Europe during WWII

If you want to learn more about the people mentioned above just stop by the media center and check out one of our biographies!

Sixth graders are eagerly reading books from their list of this year's Sunshine State books after listening to the book talk given to them in the theater. Anyone in grades 6-8 or older can check out one of the titles and after reading 3 books from this year's list would be eligible to vote in the spring.

Sunshine State Reading on Vimeo. ( A special thank you to Christine Scoby for her time and effort in editing this production.)

Since "The Wind in the Willows" performance will take place on Wednesday, October 28 at 1:00 pm in the theatre for grades K-4, we have a display of Kenneth Grahame's famous novel in the media center. Be sure to stop by and see all the editions available for various ages.

In Alpha and Jr. K and K students are learning about fiction and non-fiction stories. They also have been reviewing the parts of books including authors, illustrators, covers, spines, and end pages.
First graders learned how to make a dried apple doll while enjoyed the story The Apple Doll by Elisa Kleven. They also discussed the many feelings one can have when starting school and the value of making new friends.

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