


Daniel Boone - Frontiersman and explorer - Nov. 2, 1734
Mark Twain - (Samuel Clemens) author of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer - Nov. 30, 1835
Jimi Hendrix - Innovative rock guitarist - November 27, 1942
Billy the Kid - Outlaw; his real name may have been Henry McCarty or William H. Bonney- Nov. 23, 1859
Robert Fulton - Inventor of the first practical and profitable steamboat - Nov. 14, 1765
Marie Curie - Won the Nobel Prize in 1903 with her husband for discovering radium - Nov. 7, 1867
Elizabeth Cady Stanton - American suffragist and women's rights advocate - Nov.12, 1812
Joe DiMaggio - Baseball Hall of Famer - November 25, 1914
Sir Winston Churchill - British statesmen who was Prime Minister during WWII

If you would like to read about any of the famous people above, stop by the media center and see the great display we have on their biographies.

In first grade the students read books written by child authors. They learned where the books from Raintree Publish a Book contest are located in the media center and also enjoyed hearing some. Hopefully these stories will assist them when they are writing their own adventures.

Second graders were traveling around the world when they were reading the story A Small Dog's Big Life: Around the World with Owney. They were very surprised to find out this epistolary story - a story told entirely in letters -was based on the true life of a stay dog named Owney, who actually lived with postal workers more than one hundred years ago. During his adventures he received tags from clerks all over the United States to commemorate his visit to their towns. The tags are now in an exhibit at the National Postal Museum, which is part of the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, D.C.

Third graders were viewing different biographies this week in the media center and they did a reader's theater with My Brothers' Flying Machine (Wilbur, Orville, and Me) by Jane Yolen. They learned about Katharine Wright, who provided support and encouragement to her famous brothers while they worked on their many inventions. This book explain the events that led up to the December 17, 1903 flight in Kitty Hawk on the Outer Banks, which changed the world forever. They also found out how the hobble skirt became a fashion statement in the 1900's.

Alpha students were asked to make predictions for the outcome of the story they listened to entitled Little Panda by Renata Liwska. They were very creative with their answers and they were very good listeners.

Our book fair was a hugh success thanks to the wonderful volunteers who gave up their time and energy to plan, organize it and run it. Mary Ellen Howells and Jane Kratz did a fabulous job again this year and we are so appreciative. Many thanks to all who helped and all who shopped. Many teachers' wishes were granted thanks to the generous parents. The children were so thrilled with their treasures...and isn't it marvelous that those treasures are BOOKS !!!!

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