

This year our library theme is, "I'm Wild About Books" and the library is decorated with lots of wild animal displays. Our library hours are from 7:30-5:00 Monday-Thursday and 7:30-3:15 on Friday. Hope to see you soon!

Celebrate August by reading a biography about some of these people who were born in this month.

Matthew Henson - August 8, 1866 - Black explorer, who with Robert Peary, participated in the expedition of the North Pole, proudly representing the African-American people.

Francis Scott Key -August 1, 1779 - Author of The Star-Spangled Banner, which was adopted as the U.S. National Anthem.

Alex Haley -August 11, 1921- Journalist and Pulitzer Prize winning author of Roots, The Saga of an American Family.

Louis Armstrong - August 4, 1900 - Great jazz trumpet player.

Annie Oakley - August 13, 1860- Sharp shooter who was part of Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show.

Orville Wright - August 19, 1871 - Aviator, who with his brother Wilbur, invented and flew the first airplane.

Neil Armstrong-August 5, 1930 - First astronaut to walk on the moon.

Mother Teresa - August 27, 1910 - Catholic nun, advocate for India's poor, who received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979.

Roberto Clemente - August 18, 1934 - Baseball Hall of Famer.

Lyndon B. Johnson - August 27, 1908 -36th President of the U.S.

We will be participating in both state reading programs again this year.Association The Florida Reading Children's Award Program for Alpha - Grade 2 and the Sunshine State Young Reader's Award Program for grades 3-6. I am looking forward to an adventurous year in the media center. Stop by soon!!

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