

This week in the media center the 2 grade students met the "shelf elf" and learned how books are arranged in the media center. They defined Easy, Fiction and Non-fiction books and found out what the 100, 200, and 300 section of the library contains. We concentrated on the 398 section and discussed Tall Tales of the United States. This fit in with their study of North America. Through posters, pictures, and books students learned about Davy Crockett, Old Stormalong, Paul Bunyan, John Henry, Pecos Bill, Sally Ann Thunder Ann Whirlwind, and Johnnny Appleseed. By the end of the lesson they were even making up their own tall tales...what imaginations they have!!

In 1st grade students saw displays of books by authors Jack Prelutsky (The New Kid on the Block - poems) and Jon Scieszka (author of The Stinky Cheese Man) who both celebrated birthdays on September 8. They read the poem entitled "Be Glad Your Nose is on Your Face" and delighted in humor of Mr. Prelutsky. They then listened to two stories with similar main characters, namely Amelia Bedelia's First Day of School by Herman Parish and Morris Goes to School by B. Wieseman. In each book the main characters are literal-minded so life gets very interesting and filled with confusing adventures. Humorous stories are fun to read for any age....why not try checking out one today?

To honor Tomie de Paola's Septemer 15th birthday, students in Jr.K learned about the colors of the Italian flag and saw pictures of this well known author. They also listened to Strega Nona's Harvest. After helping Strega Nona plant her vegetable garden just so, Big Anthony takes some extra seeds and sows another garden willy-nilly, then must find a way to deal with the consequences. Students learned some Italian vocabulary while enjoying this story, too. Some of their favorite words were la luna (the moon), libro (book), mamma mia ( my mother ), grazie (thank you), arrivederci (good-bye), buona notte (good night) and Strega Nona (old grandmother). Tomie dePaola became an author because his mom read to him a lot when he was parents keep reading to your children!!!

On September 15 the Alpha students celebrated Robert McCloskey's birthday by listening to his Caldecott Honor book entitled Blueberries for Sal. The children enjoyed this popular story and they learned about hibernation, which is quite a vocabulary word for three year olds.

The Sunshine State Young Reader's Award program is a state reading contest from the (DOE) Department of Education in Tallahassee. Every year students in grades 3-5 and 6-8 are given a list of 15 selected books to read. If they read 3 or more by April 2012, they will be eligible to vote and a winner will be chosen from all the Florida votes. Students in grade 3 saw a slide show of all the previous winners, received their lists, and also saw some book trailers explaining some of the titles on this year's list. Hopefully, many students will decide to participate. They sure seemed excited after our lesson! For a complete list try this site:

In K students saw a display of Tomie DePaola's books and read the Caldecott medal winner Stega Nonna. They learned these Italian vocabulary words to help with the story :(kiss) bacio, (kisses) baci, (one),uno, (two) due,( three) tre and (fork) forchetta .) Students also learned the importance of listening and found out what character in the book did not listen very well. They had fun watching the pasta overflow all over the library and each received a reward for helping to clean it up. Ask any K student what was the( secret ingredient) ingrediente segreto. Grazia!

A big thank you goes out to Andi Mullins for chairing the library volunteers this year. Her hard work and precious time has paid off for all of us. She has been giving hands on training sessions since school started. We have many parents who are helping us in the media center this month and they are so appreciated. They are checking out books, helping students locate books and explore the many treasures found in our beautiful media center. Thank you so much to all of our wonderful parent volunteers who are helping the students "Go Wild for Books" this year. We love you!!!

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