

Rain of Leaves

It's raining big,
It's raining small,
It's raining autumn leaves
In fall. 
It's raining gold
And red and brown
As autumn leaves
Come raining down.
It's raining everywhere
I look
It's raining bookmarks
On my book.
          Aileen Fisher

Students in grade 2 learned all about American tall tales this month as they continue to study North America. Tall tales existed long before the first pioneers came to America, but it was in America that the  tall tale found its natural home. They were introduced to Davy Crockett, Old Stormalong, Paul Bunyan and his Big Blue Ox,  John Henry and Pecos Bill.

In celebrating Johnny Appleseed Day, on September 26,  students in grade 1 read stories about the man named John Chapman who lived from 1774 to 1845. He was born in Leominster, Massachusetts to Nathaniel and Elizabeth Chapman. During his life, he planted many apple trees from Massachusetts to northwest Pennsylvania, Oho,  and Fort Wayne, Indiana. He worked as a scout warning Ohio settlers of Indian attacks. He died near Fort Wayne, Indiana and on his gravestone are the words, "He lived for others."

Students in K learned all about the Little Miss Spider series by David Kirk and interacted with the book Little Miss Spider's Tea Party on the I-Pad. They played a memory matching game with all the characters as well as interacted with the characters during the story time. They discussed with partners and predicted what would happen next as the lonely Miss Spider tried to host a tea party but the other bugs refused to come for fear of being eaten.

Alpha children learned all about the Berenstain Bears while listening to Bears in the Night and Berenstain Bears and the Spooky Old Tree. They saw hand puppets of these delightful characters who always seem to have an adventure. These beloved authors celebrated September birthdays.

Third graders were the first to experience augmented reality books by seeing and hearing The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore  by William Joyce and Joe Bluhm. This picture book for ages 4-8 was a short film and now has two apps and it uses the sweep of the virtual camera and computer animation. It is an excellent example to show children how startling a story on the page can be.

Volunteers, volunteers, volunteers.....we have seen so many wonderful volunteers since school started. Thanks to the hard work and very flexible schedule that Andi Mullins has provided for training. This month the library looks "extra spooky" thanks to Andi and the wonderful other volunteers. They are all such an important part of our program and very much appreciated. Pirate hats off to all of our  very, very valuable volunteers !! Thank you all so much for making a commitment to help out this year.

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