

            ODE TO SPRING

O spring, O spring,                                                 
You wonderful thing!
O spring, O spring, O spring!                      
O spring, O spring,
When the birdies sing
I feel like a king,
O spring! 

by Walter R. Brooks


Sherri Winston, SSYRA author of President of the Whole Fifth Grade,  ONE OF THIS YEAR'S FLORIDA SUNSHINE STATE YOUNG READER'S AWARD BOOKS, combined two of her childhood favorites to create her book -- cupcakes and cash! Like a lot of kids, at 10, Winston was an intrepid little planner whose allowance was never quite large enough to live the dream. In her book, she develops a personality in Brianna Justice, who figures out how to have her cupcake and eat it, too. Winston spent over twenty years as a newspaper reporter, columnist and sports writer. She currently lives in Orlando with her two daughters, four cats, two turtles, and plays nanny for her nephew's shih tzu.

**********AUTHOR VISIT   -   Thursday, March 21 to help us celebrate READING WEEK !!!!*****************


Students in grade 2 learned all about Shrek, the famous Hermit Sheep of Tarros. This is based on a true story set in Tarras, New Zealand by the students of Tarras School. The story, written through a child's eyes, covers Shrek's start in life at Bendigo station, his journey to the mountains above, finding a cave and making it home, and finally his discovery and road to fame. Shrek was found on Bendigo Station on April 15, 2004, by a woman shepherd Ann Scanlan and was carried to safety by Daniel Devine. For six years Shrek evaded musters in the magnificent Central Otago high country of New Zealand and his picture below shows what he looked like when he was finally found.

In first grade, the students found out what happens when a house decides to take a vacation.
While the Petersons are away, their house decides to take a trip to the sea to watch the "Dance of the Sunlight," despite some groaning from the chimney and the basement's refusal to rise to the occasion. Read House Takes a Vacation by Jacqueline Davies to find out exactly what happened>

Vote for your favorite fossil or skeleton. There is a display made by Cian MacCarthy and Mrs. Smay.
In Alpha class, the students listened to Don't Spill the Beans by Ian Schoenherr. In this story, a bear tries hard to keep a birthday surprise a secret.

Jr. K students listened to Bandit's Surprise by Karen Rostoker-Gruber and found out that when Michelle brings home a new kitten, Bandit is not at all pleased to share his home and water dish, and absolutely refuses to share his favorite toy mouse called Fuzzy Mouse. Will these two cats ever reach a purr-fect friendship??

In K students enjoyed the noodlehead story entitled Epossumondas by Coleen Salley. Mishaps occur but are not caused deliberately. The humor is gentle and silly. The plot may be highly improbable,but not impossible-it could happen. This is a retelling of a classic tale in which a well-intentioned young possum continually takes his mother's instructions much too literally.  

Students in grade 3 worked with a partner to do a biography lesson. They are playing " Guess Who Is Knocking At the Door". After reading their biography book, they make up 3 factual questions that are clues to who they read about. In this "game" students try to guess  "WHO" the biography is about. Prizes are given out to the participants and the players who guess the correct person. By the end of the game every student should learn about someone they did not know before.

Volunteers, volunteers, volunteers.....we have seen so many wonderful volunteers since school started in the new year. Thanks to the hard work and very flexible schedule of  Andi Mullins. I am very thankful for the new "March look" in the library thanks to all the wonderful other volunteers who decorated and pulled the new author books. You are all so appreciated and loved by the children, and especially by the librarian.

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