


Betsy Ross - Jan. 1, 1752 - According to legend, creator of the first American flag under instructions from George Washington
Sir Isaac Newton - Jan. 4, 1643 - Discoverer of the law of universal gravitation and co-founder of calculus
Elvis Presley - Jan. 8, 1935 - American rock singer
Martin Luther King, Jr. - Jan. 15, 1929 -Civil rights leader; winner of 1964 Nobel Peace Prize
Benjamin Franklin - Jan. 17, 1706 - American statesman, inventor, diplomat, publisher, author, and scientist
Bessie Coleman - Jan. 26, 1893 -Black female aviator
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Jan. 27, 1756 -Composer of over 600 musical compositions
Franklin D. Roosevelt - Jan. 30, 1882 -32nd U. S. President, elected four times
Jackie Robinson - Jan. 31, 1919 - First black baseball player to enter the professional major leagues


Award-winning author, Michael Patrick O'Neill will be visiting our school on Monday, February 1, 2010. His books are on display in the media center for you to view. The topics are all related to ocean life and since he takes his own photographs while diving, the illustrations are just remarkable. Please feel free to stop by and look at his work. We are all looking forward to his visit.

Students in Grades Jr. K, K, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd spent their class lesson in the library reading the author's books and admiring the illustrations. They worked in teams to read all 6 titles and prepared some interesting questions for our guest on Monday.

In the Alpha class, the students heard the book The Birthday Box by Leslie Patricelli which was filled with imagination. Ask your child what you can do with a box?

Students are in for a wonderful week ahead as we celebrate reading. Our theme is Shorecrest Gets A "Charge" out of Reading. I am looking forward to Tuesday when your children dress up in their favorite book character outfits. Make sure they carry the book that they have picked to do this activity, so we all can learn about new book characters and the titles of those books. On Thursday I will be doing a Reader's Theater with an opossum themed book and can't wait to see the children in action.

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