

Jerry Spinelli - February 1st
Joan Lowery Nixon - " 3
David Wiesner - " 5
Laura Ingalls Wilder - " 7
Charles Dickens - " 7
Jules Verne - " 8
Jane Yolen - " 11
Judy Blume - " 12
Louis Slobodkin - " 19
C. S. Adler - " 23
Wilhelm Carl Grimm - " 23
Cynthia Voigt _ " 25
Lemony Snicket - " 28

There are book displays in the media center on these author's works so please stop by. edit.g?blogID=6779573453399081857&postID=8138150519257834524

Michael Patrick O'Neill

We all enjoyed the author's visit on Monday, February 1st and are looking forward to his new book this spring entitled Wild Waters. He spoke with grades Alpha through Grade 5 and several 8th Grade students interviewed him after his presentations. He stressed how important it is to stay focused in school and try your best in all subject areas. He explained how important math and science is every time he dives and language arts helps him to write books. Every student was amazed at his photographs and he explained how important it is to have patience and perserverance since it may take several years to photograph some of the species found in his books.
Guess Who Is Knocking At the Door?
That was the theme for the library lessons with the students in third grade. They read small biography books and wrote 3 clues for their person. Students had to guess the person based on these clues. They all learned about people they did not know in a fun way.

Second graders heard the story Listen to the Wind by Greg Mortenson so they could vote in the Florida Reading Association Children's Book Award program. It is a picture book based on the adult New York Times Bestseller, Three Cups of Tea and one of the 8 books in this year's contest.
In First grade students heard Valentine books in preparation for the holiday. One was entitled Roses Are Pink, Your Feet Really Stink by Diane deGroat, and the other was Fluffy's Valentine's Day by Kate McMullan.

Alpha students heard Little Mouse's Big Valentine by Thacher Hurd. The theme of he book was about sharing, caring and making new friends.

Students in K heard one of the stories from the Spider series entitled How Spider Saved Valentine's Day by Robert Kraus.

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